Are above ground storm shelters safe
Home Improvement

Are above ground storm shelters safe?


Tornadoes are quite common and are often even accompanied by hail. The United States experiences the most tornadoes. One such area in the country is also popularly known as Tornado Alley. Various other regions in the world experience frequent tornadoes around the year. Tornadoes are a natural calamity that can occur at any time of the year. If you live in an area prone to tornadoes, all you can do is take certain precautions. You can prepare yourself for such times of emergency. Investing in storm shelters will help you protect yourself and your family from this natural calamity.

Storm tornado shelters are designed to provide protection in tornadoes or hurricanes. They are worth your investment because safety is a must. You can take refuge in the basement or an interior room. However, they are not meant to protect you in the event of tornadoes or a hurricane. Storm shelters are sturdy and built in a way to provide protection. They will keep you and your family safe in tornadoes or even in a severe thunderstorm.

If you live in a tornado-prone region, you must have storm shelters at your home. It is usually said, and many experts also agree that being completely underground is the best way to survive a tornado. However, that’s not the case anymore. Many people don’t have basements in their homes or underground places where they can place storm tornado shelters.

Above ground tornado shelters is one of the best things you can invest in if you don’t have a basement or underground shelter.

With some houses, it is difficult to install underground tornado shelters. They are even much expensive than above-ground shelters. You must invest in above-ground shelters if you don’t have that space available. You must understand that above-ground shelters provide an equal amount of protection that below ground shelters does. Below-ground shelters can be inconvenient and dangerous. They are prone to various problems when there are bugs or floods. There are chances that you may even get trapped in below-ground storm shelters if a large amount of debris falls on it.

Here are some of the reasons why you must invest in above-ground shelters:

1. They can be located almost anywhere

Whether it’s outside your building or some area near your house, above-ground shelters are located above the ground. They can be located at any place. You don’t need to have basements in your home to access above ground tornado storm shelters.

2. Accessible to everyone

It won’t be easy for an individual to experience mobility challenges or use a wheelchair to step into a below-ground shelter. They will experience difficulty in reaching the basement itself during this severe weather. However, above-ground shelters are accessible and easy to enter. One will not have stress or have a fear of falling while entering above-ground shelters. There is plenty of space in above ground tornado storm shelters. All your family members will comfortably sit inside the shelter.

3. They won’t float away.

Tornadoes often lead to heavy rainfall. The excessive rain can even cause floods. Thus, if your below-ground shelter was improperly installed, it will pop up in the yard or get filled with water. Therefore, it will be useless in such a situation. Above-ground shelters won’t float away, or they may not get filled with water because they are above the ground. Thus, they are safe in such situations.

4. Above ground, shelters are easily visible.

If there is a disaster, it is likely that below ground shelters will get buried underneath. On the other hand, above-ground storm shelters are easily visible. You won’t be trapped in them if a disaster strikes or the situation turns violent.

5. These shelters can move with you.

If you ever plan to shift or change your home, you can take your above-ground shelter. Tornado storm shelters are a huge investment. With above-ground shelters, you can take them along and install them in your new home. On the contrary, below ground shelters are expensive and not easy to install. Above ground shelters are cost-effective.

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You don’t need any special licenses or permits for the installation of them. You can also use your above ground shelter as a safe room during theft situations.

6. They are easy to install

They can be located in your yard easily. If your house doesn’t allow a below-ground shelter, it is an excellent option for you.

Below-ground shelters are prone to many severe hazards

They are likely to cracking, leaking, and are not safe during events of flooding. Insects may enter the below-ground shelters, which will not be safe for you and your family. Therefore, you must consider investing in above ground tornado storm shelters to withstand this difficult situation. In cases of flooding or disasters, above-ground shelters will be easier to locate and much safer than below-ground shelters.

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