Hot Solar Future
Home Improvement

Australia’s Red Hot Solar Future – Facts You Didn’t Know Until Now!


Australia is a resilient country, and solar energy will help! The clearest present-day impacts of climate change in Australia. However, the new increasing energy storage system and new decentralised grid vision implementation contribute to citizens’ stability and well-being. More than 2.56 million solar PV installations had a combined capacity of 18,526 MW PV solar energy in Australia. Among that, in the preceding 12 months, at least 4,426 MW were installed– this is as of September 2020! Recent research says, more than 2 million homes across Australia now utilise some form of solar power. Especially, the installation of solar panels in Sydney has become more and more popular. The reason behind the popularity among people is, the production of electricity and saving money in the long run?

How Much Does Solar Panels Sydney Save You? 

There is plenty of opportunity for Australia to harness solar energy, and now we have many and many solar companies. Making use of solar energy for electricity allows experiencing real worry-free relaxation and helps save a lot. Once the electricity collected through your solar panel system, it gets fed into your house into the electricity grid. Yes, what you heard is right; solar power systems will save you money. The real question is, how much exactly?

By installing a 6.6-kilowatt solar system on the house roof, approximately, in Sydney, the average household can save up to $1800 a year!

The money you can save with solar power system gets vary from the size of solar panels you install. If you wish to maximise ROI and lessen your payback period, consider installing the larger solar power system that completely covers your power usage. The bigger size solar power system you have, the better money you save soon.

For example, installing the 2kW type solar power system definitely save your bills, but the ROI gets little delay compared with installing 5kW unit sizeable solar power systems since smaller solar power systems produce less power than a larger one. However, no matter whether you choose a smaller or larger solar power system, it can help reduce your property’s running costs dramatically, especially in sunny Australia.

Final Word

Go Solar And Save Money! Research says Australia is the only continent that has the highest solar radiation per square metre. This temp attempts to harness solar energy, and now Australia has plenty of solar companies that provide solar panels for sale. So, are you planning to purchase quality solar panels, and get it installed professionally? Contact Solarpath, one of the leading solar companies in Sydney!

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