Essential House Moving Checklist to Make A New Place Feel Like Home
Home Improvement

Essential House Moving Checklist to Make A New Place Feel Like Home


Moving into a new area can be a lot more difficult than most people think, especially if you were not able to take into consideration the consistency of bare necessities available at a home such as safety, warmth, and comfort. If you put all these off your mind, rest assured that the first few nights of your stay in your new house can become a sleepless disaster. Here is a checklist we provide for you to help you get away with all the frustration when moving into a new place.

  • Take room measurement ahead to plan your furniture layout. Have a measurement of your kitchen table area, dining room, family room, and every room and space available at your new place so you’ll know exactly where each furniture should get placed when moving day comes.
  • Transfer some utilities before you close escrow. Transfer some utilities such as gas, water, garbage, cable or wifi before you close escrow to prevent any accident to happen while the home is vacant. Make sure to call and have your utility company available before you move out so you have water, electricity, and heat ready when you get into your new house.
  • Get the house appliances up and running. Make sure that your fridge gets plugged in after you have deep cleaned the kitchen so you have it already cold and ready to use when you move in. Have all the appliances checked and ready ahead so if ever you notice a defect, you will be able to talk with your real estate agent to review your contract with the agent.
  • Stock on basic cleaning supplies. You will want to clean your bathroom and kitchen at the very least before you move into your new space. Deep clean the areas such as the bathroom and kitchen before you start bringing in boxes so you are sure that the house is safe and sanitary for the people moving in with you.
  • Address electricity, plumbing, and other safety concerns. You will not want to have a fuse blowing or a pipe bursting on your first day in your new home, so during your preliminary cleaning before moving in, find the circuit breaker box and main water valve and then have yourself scope out the important control for the safety of everyone at home.
  • Keep your household essentials handy and in plain sight when you move in. You may want to box up your things and put the box in an obvious, safe place so that you will not have a hard time finding it when you move in. You can also label it and organize the boxes based on their uses and the service it gives you.
  • Explore the neighborhood before you even move into your new house. Get to know your neighborhood ahead even before your gas tank empties mid-move or you drop a dresser on your foot, to identify the nearby hospital, schools, and other essential establishments as they may help you with the directions.

You may find houses for sale in Zoom Property , and while you are still about to move in or planning to move out from your old house – this checklist can help you make your new place feel like your old home again!

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