Nine Pro Tips to Becoming a Plant Parent.
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Nine Pro Tips to Becoming a Plant Parent.

Plants need to be cared for and maintained to ensure they grow healthy. Plant specialists can offer lessons to plant lovers on how to plant parent like a pro with these nine tips.

Consider the lighting of the space when choosing a plant.

The type of plant selection depends on the lighting conditions in a room. The direction of the windows can help determine the areas in the room with high light, low light, or medium amounts of light at various times of the day. Intense light is also not good for plants and a room may require the use of blinders to reduce the amount of light a plant is exposed to. There are however some types of indoor plants that can survive even under intense light conditions i.e., succulents like aloe and cactus.

Indoor Plant Compatibility

Some plants require intense care while others can handle a busy plant parent lifestyle while other plants require low maintenance services. Succulent plants can survive neglect once in a while since they can thrive in both low light and high light conditions. People with more time dedication to plants can hands plants types that need intense regular care. Delicate plants have environmental needs such as humidity levels and room temperature levels.


Excessive watering of plants is much worse than underwatering of plants. When plants are overwatered, they are likely to rot at the roots. Plants should only be watered when necessary. It is important to check the conditions of the soil in the planter before choosing to water the plant or not. The watering requirement also changes when the season changes. For instance, plants need less water during winter. They need larger amounts of water during the period when the soil dries up faster. A thirsty plant shows signs such as wilting on the leaves of the plant or soil pulled away from the sides of the planter. Watering should be done using warm water sine it can be quickly absorbed by plants roots. The excess water should be allowed to drain before putting the plant back to its position.

Increase the humidity levels.

Plant humidity levels requirements differ from one type of plant to another. Some need a very humid atmosphere while others thrive under drier conditions. Plants that grow well during humid climates should be misted during drier conditions and the room humidity levels should be adjusted. Humidifiers can be used to achieve favorable conditions for a plant during dry conditions.

Skip the fertilizer.

Avoiding the application of fertilizer to indoor plants is good since a lot of fertilizers harm plants. Indoor plants do not require fertilizers as compared to outdoor plants. In case you need to fertilize the plants, it is advisable to do so when it is fall or spring season. The fertilizers should also be diluted with water before application. Alternatively, instead of adding fertilizer to the soil, it can be swapped with fresh soil that still has nutrients.

Reliable dealer

The indoor plants should be purchased from a reputable dealer who can advise on how to care for and maintain the plants and also answer any other questions about the plant requirements.

Show some TLC.

After transferring a plant to an indoor spot, it is good to show them lots of attention at the start. You should be keen on their water, temperature, and light needs.


Repotting plants does not necessarily mean changing them from their original planter to another. It may also be done by just changing the soil initially used to grow the plant with fresh soil. Plants after flourishing in the planter they were purchased in can be changed to a bigger pot in case they overgrow the planter. The planter should also not be way bigger than the one initially used to avoid overwatering the plant.

Allow it to flow.

Any new planter used to re-pot the plant should have drainage perforations at the bottom part to allow the elimination of excess water from the plant after watering them. The water can always flow into a saucer then gotten rid of; this helps to ensure that no excess water remains causing harm to plants’ roots.


Plant care tips and tricks help to ensure that one becomes the best plant parent hence healthy and vibrant plants. Plant care needs guidelines since it may be challenging, and one may not know what to do when starting. Learning plant basics can help in becoming a pro plant parent.  

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